Friday 2 March 2012

Sources about the London Riots

'How have British youth been represnted through different media in the London riots'

Sky News
- talking about how police are searching for images of the offenders

- appealing to the readers' pathos by making a story about rioter's stealing from an injured student, so it is showing how bad the youths are, as they pretending to help him then stole from him

- showing how extreme it all was, with them having to 'battle the blaze' every 5 minutes - posiibly could exagerating to make a better, more interesting story, could be features of creating a moral panic

The Guardian
- talking about poverty, deprivation. Headline reads  - 'London Riots: Depreviation, Youths and Policy

The Sun
- this shows a powerful image of fire and a woman jumping from her building into fireman's arms - very emotive pitcure which may shock people. In this article they describe the rioters as 'yobs', 'on the prowl'
BBC News
- this is about how the violence of rioting has spread from London, now all around the country. This would make the readers feel scared and fearful of the youths that are committing this violence

The Telegraph
- the headline alone is very controversial 'the underclass lashes out' so it's as if all of the popualtion that are under class would be involved in the riots!

The Daily Mail
- this is about how the police were issued to go out in their thousands, very extreme, and how they were ready to use plastic bullets. This  never actually happened, but the nespaper need to sell stories so by exagerating numbers and facts it creates a moral panic with the readers.

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