Thursday 22 March 2012

Relationshop between topics - Section A, Question 1a

AS Example(s)
Skill Development/Progress
Digital Technology and Creativity
Using InDesign
Photoshop – manipulating images
Using camera to create different images

Photoshop – skills had developed
Understood InDesign more
Using the different camera effects
Using Premier Pro
Skills using Photoshop definitely developed, I was familiar with some of the effects like Saturation/Hue and knew what kind of effect this would have. With InDesign by A2 I knew how navigate around it, using the burn tool, the cropping tool and using the different fonts.
Using Premier Pro for A2 at first was difficult but when we knew what we wanted we started to get used to it, and we were confident with the effects and techniques.
Saturation, cropping, burn tool
Digital Technology and Research and Planning
Using internet to look at existing magazines
Using YouTube and IMDb to watch trailers for research
Looking at different music from websites to convey the best message through music
At A2 we had more mediums to create so that meant more research and planning needed to be done. Using internet sources like YouTube and IMDb helped us research into trailers and posters.
At AS we could only look at music magazines.
YouTube, IMDb
Digital Technology and Post-production
Editing photos with Photoshop and putting the mag together using InDesign
Premier Pro for editing
Sound booth for music
Technology is a big factor for post-production. For AS I used Photoshop and InDesign. At first my skills were not to the best of standard. At A2 I had more editing to do, using sound booth for the music editing and Premier Pro for the trailer editing, at first it was difficult to use but towards the end I felt more comfortable navigating my way through the program. My photographic skills had developed by A2 so the images created were better therefore easier to edit.
Photographic skills, Photoshop, InDesign, Premier Pro, Sound booth,
Digital Technology and Using conventions from real media texts
Using editing processes and programs to create the conventions of music magazines
Using Photoshop and Premier Pro to get the best effects for a thriller trailer
Using sound effects to help make the trailer come together well, to have the best effect
When using the programs for creating the media, looked at conventions of music magazines so I knew what to create and using InDesign and Photoshop to create them. For A2 I looked at the conventions of thriller trailers, posters and film magazines and tried to replicate and challenge at the same time the conventions through the programs like Premier Pro and Photoshop.
Creativity and Research and Planning
Looking at the micro connotations of music magazines helped make my decisions

Creating storyboards helped make the trailer come to life in my head
Looking at different trailer influenced our work
I did extensive research at A2 into front covers, contents pages and double page spreads of music magazines so I was able to look at the micro conventions to create what I wanted for my own work. At A2 storyboarding played a big part of planning, this enabled me to see in my head the trailer before editing and filming so that I could know what was going to happen. Researching different trailers, especially the Transformers 3 trailer really influenced our work as we wanted to create something similar. Choosing the music showed my creative side as we wanted something very specific.
Front covers, contents pages, double page spread, storyboarding
Creativity and Post-production
Quite restricted on what shot types and genre so creativity was limited
Using different music and editing techniques brought out creativity – more lee-way into what we could do
At A2 compared to AS there was much more lee-way into our creativity with our work. We were able to create the genre we wanted as opposed to just the music genre. The shot types we could use were unlimited at A2 like long shots, medium close, extreme close up, over the shoulder etc. and all the different effects and techniques in the editing process helped it all come together.
Shot types - long shots, medium close, extreme close up, over the shoulder
Creativity and Using conventions from real media texts
Masthead, photos, font all conveying to the indie/rock genre

Shot types, lighting, props, location, lighting, music all adapt to the thriller genre
Looking at different trailers, film mag and posters influencing
When creating the music magazine at AS I chose the masthead, font types, photos to all convey the indie/rock genre that I was trying to portray. At A2 I did the same, added with lighting, shot types, props and location to all convey the thriller genre. This was important so it would look like a real trailer.
Masthead, font types, photos, lighting, shot types
Research and Planning and Post-production
Organisation helped make post production process go smoother

Storyboards and calendars helped us keep to time when editing
Using audience feedback helped to make the planning and post production process easier
Calendars for both AS and A2 helped to keep on track of deadlines and what we were doing at certain times. Audience feedback helped create the best effect for all the ancillary tasks. After audience feedback for our film poster we knew we needed to change it, by planning our time and what we wanted it to look like it was easy to get the right look.
Ancillary tasks,
Research and Planning and using conventions from real media texts
Looking at specific genre of magazine to influence and get inspiration from for my music mag

Extensive research into existing trailers helped make us decide what kind of trailer we wanted to how to make this come across
Again, audience feedback helped us get the right message across to our audience, so we could know what it looked like, through research and planning to help make the genre come across we knew what we wanted to create to avoid more changes needing to be different. By doing a great deal of research into existing trailers and magazines and posters we knew what how to create the genre conventions properly.
Genre conventions, audience feedback
Post-production and using conventions from real media texts
Editing the photos to convey the right genre
Using effects from other magazines to help influence

Using effects like dimming on lighting, music for suspense all helped to create the right conventions of a thriller trailer
Effects like Dimming on lighting and the different music to create different emotions/effects at A2 helped make the thriller genre come out. Effects on Premier Pro like ghosting would work for the effect of thriller, but we didn’t like the way it looked overall.
For AS editing the images to help make the message come across played a big part in the whole post-production process. The effects of black and white, cropping, and erasing to make the picture look better all helped make the magazine look realistic.
Dimming, ghosting, black and white, cropping, erasing

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