Thursday 23 February 2012

Online Media

Connotations of Facebook
  • social networking site
  • no privacy
  • attention seeking status' and pictures
  • not as good as twitter
  • funny groups
  • boring now
  • sharing
  • stalking
  • addicting
Negatives - cyber bullying and addictive
Positives - interact with old friends, good form of entertainment and share your interests

What new forms of social interaction have media technologies enabled?
  • globalisation
  • development of own identity
  • collective intelligence
  • consumer communication with businesses
  • awareness of bands or skills
  • interactive dialogue
  • User generated content
  • self-presentation and self-disclosure
Online media are especially suitable to construct and develop several identies of the self - Turkle
The modern identity concept
  • Personal identity - sense of being a unique individual
  • Social identity - results from being a member of a group
  • Mediazation of the self - diversity of interest groups in online social networks - easy transition between those communities
Digital identity
  • a person has not just one stable and homogeneous identity
  • identity consists of several fragments that permanetly change
  • multiple, but coherent
  • a live-long developing and new conceptualized patchwork

The Internet - Celebrities found through You Tube
  • Justin Bieber
  • Jessie J
  • Ed Sheeran
  • Chris Crocker
  • Charlie bit my finger
  • Esmee Denters
  • Rebecca Black
  • Star Wars kid
Memes - a catchphrase or consept that spreads quickly from person to person via the Internet.

An Anthropological Introduction to Youtube - Michael Wesch

Whilst watching the video answer these questions
1.       When was Youtube first released? 2005
2.       According to Michael Wesch what does Web 2.0 allow people to do? linking people
3.       When media changes what else changes? human relationships change
4.       What influenced the loss of community? And what has now filled this void? less free time,
5.       How are communities connected? through roads and tvs, through phones and media 
6.       Explain what he means by voyeuristic capabilities?
7.       Write 3 points about what he refers when he discusses playing with identity

8.       What does the ‘Free hugs phenomenon’ suggest about people? people coming together, uniting

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